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First Stand At The Alamo Ranch

June 1, 2021

Memorial Day weekend is a busy travel holiday. And this year was even more than busy than most. We’ve all been cooped up for months and finally have a chance to get out. And, if where you were was like Utah, the weather was perfect.

We went to Alamo Ranch. I’m guessing that you’ve never heard of Alamo Ranch. I don’t blame you. I hadn’t heard of it prior to this weekend. It’s the name that my daughter and son-in-law have decided to name their 300+ acre ranch in Central Utah. It’s located in Holden, Utah. But, the big town is Delta, Utah. If you go up the road a little you can get to the bigger town of Nephi.

Never heard of those towns? Well, you clearly are not one of the thousands that live in Central Utah.

The point is that the location is gorgeous.

Their house is small, so we all slept outside. My lovely wife and I were in the tent trailer. Kids were in tents and a some slept in their cars.

It wasn’t a major event. Really, we just got together, had some food, went to the lake and then went home.

Sure, there was the time my daughter got her car stuck in the sand at the lake and my son-in-law and I had to push it out since he couldn’t get his truck in a position to pull her out.

And there was the flat tire we had on our way home on Sunday and Google said the tire shop was open, but the angry guy at the end of the phone number on the door said they were closed. So, I had to change it myself. A spare that hasn’t been used in 15 years will be just a little light on tire pressure. (15 lbs instead of 44.)

But, it’s not like there were any accidents or stories to write home about.

My daughter, the owner of Alamo ranch left on the Sunday before Memorial Day to head overseas. She’s a captain in the United States Army and is being deployed to South Korea for a year.

Our reunion was Thursday through Sunday and we were south of Salt Lake City. The traffic on Friday and Monday was much worse than what we had to deal with.

Hopefully you had a chance to get together with family and friends and honor the service members who gave their lives for our three-day weekend.

Stay safe

Rodney M Bliss is an author, columnist and IT Consultant. His blog updates every weekday. He lives in Pleasant Grove, UT with his lovely wife, thirteen children and grandchildren.

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(c) 2021 Rodney M Bliss, all rights reserved

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