25 Things I Learned Climbing Mt Timpanogos

- When boys lead, they often have more enthusiasm than sense
- Hike in groups, or at the least use the buddy system
- Don’t let your small goals get in the way of the big goals
- Keep moving forward
- 3:00 AM is really dark. Seriously, if you’re away from town, it’s pitch dark
- Cold water will not cook your freeze dried meal, not even it was hot “when I left that tent over there”
- The Timpanooke trail is noisy all night long. Expect it
- When good hiking boots wear out, you bruise your feet
- Take lots of pictures, you can always delete some later
- Stay on the path
- Leave rock cairns for those coming behind
- Camping “At Scout Falls” doesn’t mean you will actually SEE Scout Falls
- If lost, don’t head for Scout Falls
- The view from the summit, is worth every step
- Ibuprophen is your friend. Take enough
- Water is heavy. . .many essential things are
- Carry extra water UP the mountain. Don’t carry extra water DOWN the mountain
- Most people on the trail are nice people. . .be one of those people
- The summit is windy. . and cold. Don’t leave your jacket at camp
- I’m old
- But, not too old to make it to the top
- My son is one of the nicest people I know
- Walking sticks are not fashion statements. They are tools
- Utah has some beautiful country
- If you don’t want to see more of it than you bargined for. . .bring your own map!
This week I’m writing a series of posts about climbing Mt Timpanogos.
Monday: Getting Lost in the Wasatch Mountains
Tuesday: Not Just Up, but Way, Way, Up and Away
Wednesday: The Temptation To Give Up Once You Can See The Goal
Thursday: Racing The Sun To the Summit
Rodney M Bliss is an author, columnist and IT Consultant. His blog updates every weekday at 7:00 AM Mountain Time. He lives in Pleasant Grove, UT with his lovely wife, thirteen children and grandchildren.
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