Of Camels And Airplanes
Huddled under the Persian tents we watched the rain. The cooking fires gave the desert night a sweet smokey savor.
The Arabian April night was pleasant, despite the rain. I had no idea where we were other than Arabian Peninsula, outside of Dubai. I was here in the United Arab Emirates to teach a Microsoft class. I’d arrived on a Friday March 30th. Saturday was a decompress day. My hotel suggested a desert safari.
This was one of the side benefits of business travel. This was actually a pretty packed trip. Class was Sunday through Tuesday. Wednesday, I flew from Dubai to Athens for another class Thursday through Saturday. I decided to stay in Athens an extra day and fly home on Monday.
I spent my day in Athens touring the Acropolis and the Placa open air market.
Earlier this month I was in Louisville Kentucky. Do you know what there is in Louisville for a baseball fan? The Louisville Slugger baseball museum and factory. It’s not the Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, NYA, but it’s on the same block for a fan. I would have never gotten to visit it if I hadn’t been in Louisville for business.
I’ve stood in an ancient Scottish cemetery with the nephew of a clan chief as the sound of bagpipes drifted over the heather. I was there thanks to my best friend, who was the nephew, and also a business trip.
The real point is that business travel is necessary and even valuable, but it can also be fun. Don’t forget to enjoy it.
Eventually the rain stopped and the skies cleared. The traditional Arabian food was delicious. And for those of us willing to sit on water soaked wool blankets we climbed on camels and took a short walk through the desert. The walk was probably less than 20 minutes, but the memories last a lifetime.
Remember to make it fun.
Rodney M Bliss is an author, columnist and IT Consultant. His blog updates every weekday at 7:00 AM Mountain Time. He lives in Pleasant Grove, UT with his lovely wife, thirteen children and one grandchild.
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