The Two Best/Worst Words In Sports
Today, April 7 is a day I’ve been waiting on for six months. Since October 3, actually, so six months and 4 days. That was the last day that of the Mariners 2021 season. They played Th eLA Angels and and lost 7-3 to finish the season at 90-72. Not a bad record, but not good enough to make the playoffs. The Mariners have not made the playoffs in over 20 years.
But, I was patient. When the season ends, Mariners fans know to look forward to the next Spring, when once again they can root on the M’s for another season.
Of course, the season was supposed to start March 31. But, there was a labor dispute that pushed back the start of the season. But, I was patient. Spring Training started late. But, it started.
Most of my friends don’t understand how much of a fan I am. I download the Mariners schedule. I load it into my online calendar. . .twice.
I watch virtually every game. I plan my activities around the schedule.
So, today was exciting. After so many weeks and months, today was finally the day.
The two most exciting words in sports:
Play Ball (or Opening Day)
The first pitch was 2:10pm MDT. I had a meeting, but I could put the game on in the background.
And then, this. After after all the waiting.

The game was postponed
Seattle is known for rain, right? It’s not unusual for a game to be affected by rain.
Except this game isn’t being played in Seattle. It’s in Minneapolis. In fact, had the game have been in Seattle, it would have been played today. Seattle’s stadium, T-Mobile Park, has a retractable roof.
So, after waiting for six months, I must wait one more day.
At least the Mariners are undefeated after the first day of teh season.
Stay safe
Rodney M Bliss is an author, columnist and IT Consultant. His blog updates every weekday. He lives in Pleasant Grove, UT with his lovely wife, thirteen children and grandchildren. Order Miscellany II, an anthology including his latest short story, “The Mercy System” here
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