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So Much Family, I Missed My Family

April 29, 2019

Last weekend I travelled to San Jose, California for the weekend. Unlike previous trips, this one was personal, not for business. My brother got married. It was a wonderful ceremony. In fact, it was great for several reasons. But, it wasn’t without a few disappointments.

First, my lovely wife wasn’t able to go with me. She had a health issue that prevented her from making the trip. It meant I flew instead of drove. While a nice 800 mile roadtrip can be fun, it was better to spend that time with my family.

My brother rented a beautiful Air BnB in Santana Row. The location didn’t mean much to me, but apparently it’s quite exclusive. My mother, step-father, two nieces, a grand nephew and my nieces’ boyfriends all stayed in it. Another brother and his wife stayed at a nearby hotel. Other nieces (my brother has all girls) were also staying in the area.

It was a great event. I don’t get to see my brothers as often as I’d like. My mother lives in a Arizona, and we don’t get to visit in person much.

With my lovely wife at home and none of my kids there, I was completely on my own. I could visit as long as I liked. I could slip off to watch the playoffs. I could go for a walk or a scooter ride.

The days were filled with food, visiting, more food. Plenty to drink. (Classic Mexican sodas for me. I don’t technically drink.) And many new people to meet. New people who just became family.

And that was the problem.

I got lonesome. . .for family.

It was a weird sensation. I travel often for business. Sometimes I travel a lot. And while I love my family, I don’t necessarily miss them. I have to remember to call.

So, why now, on a short three day trip to California was I missing my lovely wife and kids, and grandkids?

And then I figured it out. My family made me miss my family. Because my time was constantly spent meeting new family and telling them about my family, it made me miss my own family. I didn’t want to spend more time visiting. I didn’t want to spend any additional time in California. I wasn’t even looking forward to the plane ride.

I want to be home, but I don’t want to go home.

Of course, I had to go home. The house was dark by the time I arrived. Everyone was in bed. But, I was home, sleeping in the same house with my lovely wife and kids.

I’m happy I got to go and support my brother and new sister-in-law on their special day. I’m glad I got to hang out with my other brother and my mother and the rest of my realitives.

But, it’s good to be home.

Rodney M Bliss is an author, columnist and IT Consultant. His blog updates every weekday. He lives in Pleasant Grove, UT with his lovely wife, thirteen children and grandchildren.

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(c) 2019 Rodney M Bliss, all rights reserved

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