Thirty Years Is Just The Beginning

Let me be a little self-indulgent for a minute. I know that’s an odd request from me since blogs are the ultimate self-indulgent vehicle. “Here let me tell you about me and my thoughts. . .”
In truth, I try each day to find something that will be interesting, or at least entertaining to you, dear readers. Your time is valuable and I try to never waste it. While I write for me, I always have you in mind as I consider what stories to put down.
Not today. Today, it’s about me. Well, me and the person who puts up with me the most. See, today is my wedding anniversary. And not just any anniversary. Thirty years ago today, I was a scared, scawny kid of 22 years old headed to the LDS temple in Seattle, Washington to marry a woman that I thought I wanted to spend the rest of eternity with. If I was young, she was practically a baby. She had just turned 19, and she was gorgeous.
We met at a church softball game four years earlier. Growing up Mormon in the Olympia, Washington area, all the Mormon kids knew yeach other. She grew up in Yelm, I was from Lacey, but we were part of the Olympia Washington LDS Stake. I went off to serve a two year LDS mission and she finished growing up.
We both ended up at BYU. As the semester came to a close, I found myself in the Computer Science lab desperately trying to get my final program to compile and run. She was in the same class. She finished her program and offered to help me finish mine. That night we went out to eat at a Subway Sandwiches restaurant. It rekindled a friendship that grew into something more.
We were married almost exactly a year later. It was the break between school semesters. Seattle was beautiful that December day. The weather had broken and we had blue skies and highs in the 60s.
In the ensuing years we’ve had lots of ups and down. We’ve been fabulosuly wealthy and dirt poor. We added children, first by birth and then through multiple adoptions. Recently, we’ve added grandchildren. We’ve been to the far side of the world together. We’ve seen tragedy and triumph. Through it all, we’ve had each other.
I’ve never looked twice at another woman. I was surprised when she agreed to marry me and have been counting my blessings for the past three decades. She’s smarter than me, better looking, a better cook, more patient, more caring, more spiritual, and pretty much a better person in every way.
May each of you be lucky enough to find someone even half so wonderful to share your life with. You’ll be rich indeed.
Rodney M Bliss is an author, columnist and IT Consultant. His blog updates every weekday. He lives in Pleasant Grove, UT with his lovely wife of 30 years, thirteen children and grandchildren.
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