Okay, maybe not a marathon, but just as surprising.
I’m a writer. I’m not a bad writer. I’ve had a little success. But, I have thoughts of being a better writer. I’ve been writing this blog for about three years. I figure I’ve written about 750,000 words. A typical novel has about 50,000 words. So, I’ve written like 25 books, right?
It’s not like I wrote 25 books. Not even close. I’ve tried to write books. I have stories that I want to tell. Some might make good books, some might just be ideas that never go anywhere.
I have a niece. In fact, I have a lot of nieces. One of them wrote a book. Actually, she wrote a lot of books. Four of them, in fact, over the last eight and a half years. The thing is, she didn’t tell anyone. Other than her husband. But, for the rest of us, she never ever told anyone.
And she wrote four books.
She’s now telling the world about her books.
I have written a suspenseful YA Urban Fantasy series and am in the process of deciding whether to traditionally publish or self publish. Go to the “My Story” page to get a glimpse of me and how I became a writer, read a sample of my first book Minnow in the Dark under “My Books” and go to the “Follow & Support” page to share your information and stay up to date on what is happening.
– Rachel Elisse
Her website is www.rachelelisse.com.
I’m thrilled for Rachel. And I actually can help a little. I know authors. I know people who’ve written books. I can help her get connected with people in the publishing world. I can’t help her write. No one can help you write. No one can help you write. Writers write. It’s literally the only requirement to being a writer. It’s the answer to every question people ask about writing.
This isn’t about me. This is a post about my incredible niece and her young adult series. But, I can’t help but thinking about how you manage to write books for over eight years without telling anyone, but most of all how you write that many books for that long without stopping.
I’m going to go work on my other writing. You? You should go to www.rachelelisse.com and read about my niece’s book. Oh, sorry, books!
(Photo credit: rachelelisse.com)
Rodney M Bliss is an author, columnist and IT Consultant. His blog updates every weekday at 7:00 AM Mountain Time. He lives in Pleasant Grove, UT with his lovely wife, thirteen children and grandchildren.
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