You know that feeling when you’ve been happily updating your blog every day for seven years and then you decide that maybe it’s time to move it off of WordPress free site onto a dedicated site and you manage to screw it up badly enough that you are literally offline for nearly three weeks?
Okay, just me then.
So, now what?
I won’t say, “I’m back” since I don’t feel I ever left. But, I think I now have all the technical issues worked out.
A big part of the reason I decided to move to a new hosting service is that I want to start building an actual author website around the blog. So, in the coming months, you should see more “writey” stuff, stories, contests I’ve entered, publishing history.
If you enjoy my writing, or you’ve ever bought one of my books, hopefully this site will make that process easier.
In the meantime, I’m simply happy to be back online.
Stay safe
Rodney M Bliss is an author, columnist and IT Consultant. His blog updates every weekday. He lives in Pleasant Grove, UT with his lovely wife, thirteen children and grandchildren. Order Miscellany II, an anthology including his latest short story, “The Mercy System” here
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or email him at rbliss at msn dot com(c) 2022 Rodney M Bliss, all rights reserved