Rodney M Bliss

Fan Mail

Excuse me. I don’t mean to bother you. . But, could you sign a copy of your book?

You might as well ask a writer if they want to be feted on a dais surrounded by adoring fans. Of course I’ll sign the copy of my book that you paid actual money to buy, some of which will eventually come to me.

Maybe when you become Steven King famous, you might get tired of it. But, when you are only Rodney Bliss famous, of course I’ll sign my book. No inconvenience at all.

Authors love fans. It’s why we do what we do. It’s why most of us do what we do anyway.

Every comment posted here, every LIKE or share or retweet is payback for my efforts here. The fact that so many of you have signed up to follow my daily scribblings is humbling.

In addition to books, and my scribblings here, I also write a monthly column for the local newspaper. It’s called the Timpanogos Times. (Timpanogos is the name of the mountain above my house and our town.)

My column is often about local issues. Since I am “local” stories about my family sometimes end up in the paper as well. Since the paper is print only and my scribblings here are online only, there’s a lot of cross over between the two.

Last month I wrote about when my family got Covid. I don’t write about my family often. You might not believe that if you read the many stories I share here. But, there are always details I hold back. Names. Details. Sometimes locations. My column last month was more personal than usual.

I talked about my family getting Covid. My lovely wife and one of my kids got it. It changed our lives as it has many people. Fortunately, my son made a full recovery and my lovely wife recovered, but still requires oxygen.

Then, last week, this showed up.

Understand our paper only exists in a print edition. So, to respond, this reader had to find a paper and a pen. Then, get an envelope, look up the address for the paper. Finally, they had to buy a stamp and then put it in the mail.

I appreciate every comment, every LIKE and SHARE. I appreciate each and every reader.

But, I especially am grateful when someone goes to the trouble of writing an actual letter. Not a lot of those anymore.

Stay safe

Rodney M Bliss is an author, columnist and IT Consultant. His blog updates every weekday. He lives in Pleasant Grove, UT with his lovely wife, thirteen children and grandchildren.

Follow him on
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or email him at rbliss at msn dot com

(c) 2021 Rodney M Bliss, all rights reserved

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