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2021 Word Of The Year

January 14, 2021

Every year I pick a word.

2018 – Resolve
2019 – Focus
2020 – Gratitude

The word becomes a sort of theme for the year. The first year it was resolve. I wanted to become better at checking things off my list. I was good at making lists, I wanted to become better at finishing things off;resolving them.

But, resolve also had to do with making decisions. We resolve to do better. We resolve to exercise. We resolve to be nicer, kinder, smarter. So, the word had a dual meaning.

Next was focus. The words kind of go together; resolve and focus. You can complete more as you focus. You get better at staying on task. But, focus had a dual meaning as well. Focus makes things clear. They go from being confused to well defined. I wanted to get better at that; to understand my roles and responsibilities better.

Last year my word was gratitude. I had no way of knowing about COVID at the start of the year, none of us did. Gratitude lacked the dual meaning of my previous words. But, as 2020 wore on, it became clear that it was a very apropriate word. I was able to do my job from home. My family, while a few contracted COVID, survived the year in good health.

Yes, much to be grateful for.

This year, my word is balance. My hope is that I can balance family, work, hobbies and church. I have some goals that will require I do a better job balancing my time. And even in my job, there are competing initiatives. Balance will be important.

But, there’s a dual meaning. I don’t exercise a lot. But, this year, I hope to do better. My son made me his exercise buddy for the past two weeks before he left to start his mission. He asked me to keep it up. To try to be exercise buddies from across the United States. Like I said, balance.

I’ll work on being in better shape. And the better shape I’m in the better I’ll be able to balance. I’ll practice balancing exercises. Stand on a ball? Balance on one foot? We’ll see.

I’ll let you know how it goes.

Stay safe

Rodney M Bliss is an author, columnist and IT Consultant. His blog updates every weekday. He lives in Pleasant Grove, UT with his lovely wife, thirteen children and grandchildren.

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(c) 2021 Rodney M Bliss, all rights reserved

  1. That’s interesting!

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