Rodney M Bliss

But Are There Any Jewish Pirates?

My friend announced that he was not eating or drinking today. I didn’t think much of it. Maybe a medical test coming up?

My religious ignorance normally isn’t this bad. Today, September 19 was Yom Kippur. I guess it started yesterday on the 18th and finishes up today. It’s the holiest day of the year in Judaism, also known as the Day of Atonement.

I admire my friend (whom I didn’t know was Jewish) for his devotion to his faith. I’m not sure of the proper salutation for Yom Kippur, if there even is one. But, whatever the proper greetings, I hope all my Jewish friends had a meaningful Yom Kippur.

I didn’t know today was one of the most holy days in Judaism, but I did know the slightly more irreverant holiday associated with September 19. It’s International Talk Like a Pirate Day. (It’s a thing, you can look it up.)

It was started by a couple of guys who came up with the idea on June 6, 1995. They realized that there was no way they could make June 6th (the anniversary of D-day) somethings so irrelevant. They picked September 19 because it was co-founder Mark Summers’ ex-wife’s birthday.

So, whether you were fasting today, or whether you greeted your confused office mates with “Ahoy, m’hardies!” happy September 19th.

Rodney M Bliss is an author, columnist and IT Consultant. His blog updates every weekday. He lives in Pleasant Grove, UT with his lovely wife, thirteen children and grandchildren.

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